SEVENTY48: 2023 Recap
So here we are, on the other side of the fifth SEVENTY48. A combined five thousand-plus miles traversed in 48 hours by a starting line that saw a record 131 race teams. There were blisters, bad meal choices, and plenty of bottom paint left on the beaches and rocky places of the Puget Sound.
Here are the 2023 SEVENTY48 winners:
First Overall: Team Beasts from the East, 10hrs 27mins
By Yourself: Team Gorge Downwind Champs - Paddlepaluza, 10hrs 48mins
Facing Backwards: Team 2 Bro Row, 11hrs 54mins
Standing Up: Team Seychelle, 15hrs 28mins
NRS Random Hero Award: Team Rodster
1/8th of the purse and a full Gore Tex Dry Suit. We took all the names of the teams that finish and threw them in a hat and drew one lucky winner.
Got a great photo or video of the race? Email it to media@nwmaritime.org, or DM (direct message) or tag us on Facebook or Instagram. We'll share it with our fans (and give you credit).
Header photo by David Cascadden
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Race Results
Here are the final results.