Race in Place

Race in Place

SEVENTY48 is a sufferfest. Dress it in pretty words and fancy images all day long, but, like lipstick on a pig, the true form cannot be denied: sufferfest. So when we decided to cancel the race, teams decided to race without us. More specifically, to conjure their own cruel and unreasonable maritime feats and complete them during the timeframe for SEVENTY48.

Technically, we can do no endorsing, approving, sponsoring, or affiliating in any official form with any of these SEVENTY48 tangentially bad ideas. But it doesn’t mean we can’t follow them! We’re not telling people to break the law, but we’re not hiding the fact that racers are out there racing. What they are racing against is the same for most SEVENTY48 competitors anyway: themselves.

We are dedicating this page to any team choosing their own adventure during the month of June and are linking up to their social media feeds and whatever other media they put out. Check back for the links.

See you at the start lines.

SEVENTY48 High Command