This is like naming your baby. You can't change it on down the line. Cause that would mean a whole lot of paperwork with the social security administration as well as getting that tattoo removed that you thought you would have forever. Your team name is how we track you through a minefield of paperwork, and if you go asking to change it, we are going to come up with a really creative way to say no.

**Go ahead and leave out the word "Team." Can you imagine all the spreadsheets that we try to keep alphabetical?
Please enter a number from 1 to 50.
Racer/Team Captain(Required)
It doesn't need to be an ego thing. We really just need a point of contact for the team.
This is the email address that ALL race correspondence will go to. If you don't check this email address, you might miss important updates.
Have you competed in SEVENTY48 before?(Required)
You know like: endurance levels, fitness, flexibility, ability to lift cars off of unfortunate neighbors, stuff like that. Something that gives us the general idea of what kind of shape you're in.
Braggin' time. This is the information that we vet your application on, so we want you to tell us about your relevant skills. Get specific about your on-the-water experiences, skill set, level of knowledge with applicable maritime regulations [yes, we care about that]. Have some some anecdotes about when things went sideways and how you got yourself out of a jam? We definitely want to know about your experience with night navigation, vessel illumination and sound signals (READ: Coast Guard Regulations). Tell us about your adventures and any certifications you might have - we don't care how well you know Microsoft Office. Resume for each team member, please.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: doc, docx, txt, pdf, rtf, Max. file size: 64 MB.
    This photo is used to help the Coast Guard identify your craft, so not the time for selfies! Give us the best angle that will show us your *whole* boat and its characteristics.
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, Max. file size: 64 MB.
      Designer, Model, History, Length, etc. Anything that you think is relevant or cool.
      Boat Type(Required)

      0 of 50 max characters
      Why do you think we should let you race?
      Billing Address(Required)